Earth Energy

Our planet is a vast and amazing source of power, an enormous storehouse of living energy that manifests itself and affects us in unusual ways. This abundant energy taps into our psyche, affects our biological signitures and can become a vital part of our well-being. The following information has been garner in order to introduce you to the importance of the invisible energies we live with , therefore I encourage you to open your eyes, explore and discover....

Ley Lines

Earth is a network of energy lines called ley lines. These ley lines originate at power centers. Ancient monuments such as pyramids, stone circles, medicine wheels, shrines, cathedrals and other sacred architectural structures traditionally have been located on these power centers.

Ley lines, or Leys, are alignments of ancient sites stretching across the landscape. Ancient sites or holy places may be situated in a straight line ranging from one or two to several miles in length. A ley may be identified simply by an aligned placing of marker sites, or it might be visible on the ground for all or part of its length by the remnants of an old straight track.

Power centers are places where ley lines begin. A power center is created by the presence of both ley energy and underground water. The combination of the two creates a power that has the capability to not only affect consciousness, but also to retain the feelings of people who have visited the site. Power centers can save feelings and emotions in the same way a computer disk holds programs or a battery holds energy. Power centers are significant because they can affect consciousness and uplift the human condition. When power centers are amplified through the application of a specific set of design elements, they can have a perceptible, positive influence on people and the environment.

Alignments and patterns of powerful, invisible earth energy said to connect various sacred sites, such as churches, temples, stone circles, megaliths, holy wells, burial sites, and other locations of spiritual or magical importance. Ley enthusiasts are divided into differing camps. Some hold that the prehistoric alignments can be statistically validated. Others agree but say that alignments continued in historical periods. Still others contend that leys mark paths of some sort of earth energy that can be detected by dowsing, and perhaps was sensed by early humans. The energy is compared to the flow of ch'i, the universal life force identified in ancient Chinese philosophy.

For further exploration of this topic  ~

Earth Energies: A Quest for the Hidden Power of the Planet.
by Serge Kahili King

Shamanism and the Mystery Lines: Ley Lines, Spirit Paths, Shape-Shifting and out-of-Body Travel
by Paul Devereux

 Feng Shui

The ancient Chinese occult study of the hidden currents and forces that cover the surface of the earth; the art of harmoniously understanding the concept of space, in terms of physical position and direction, and the finding of Nature's ideal alignment within it.Feng shui is a philosophy that creates an environment which is ergonomic; it lets us work efficiently, comfortably and successfully by following the patterns of nature. The practice holds that structures that harmonize with Nature's alignment bring good luck; those that disrupt the flow of Nature's animating force, or qi, are considered unlucky.

Understanding the concept of qi is the key to understanding feng shui. Because there is no equivalent of qi in English, the following examples give a general ideal of qi. For instance, feng shui literally translated means "wind-water". Qi is like the wind, a natural energy source that is constantly flowing all around us. We cannot see it, but we know it exists by the way it affects the landscape and physical matter. Qi is also like water, an energy source that can be diverted to where it is needed and be more beneficial to our well-being. At the same time, qi like water also cycles endlessly from one phase to another: it is a cycle that if broken or interrupted will affect everything else that depends on the continuity of this cycle. This can be compared to the ecosytem of a forest where every plant, insect and animal depend on one another to evolve and survive. A decline or increase in any of the species will affect the whole ecological system.

In feng shui, cosmic energies play a big role in affecting our well-being. Those who practice the discipline of Feng Shui have an intimate knowledge of the workings of the magnetic Kung-lei (dragon paths) which trace out the powerful earth currents and which appear to be the equivalent of the ley lines.

For further exploration of this topic we gladly recommend ~

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui
by Elizabeth Moran

The Complete Illustrated Guide to Feng Shui: How to Apply the Secrets of Chinese Wisdom for Health, Wealth and Happiness


The Labyrinth

Labyriths are corridors laid in patterns that are used as a method of spiritual development. Whether it is large in an open area, or small on walls or tables....the labyrinth is a pathway towards inner peace and balance. The key towards this tool of spiritual experience lies in the fact that as you walk or trace the labyrinth, you meander back and forth at a steady hypnotic pace. As you shift direction, you also shift your awareness and focus.

The labyrinth has only one path (unicursal) which quiets the mind as the winding course is followed to its center and back out again. The steady curve and flow decreases stress and negativity.

The spiritual allure of labyrinths, lies within the mysterious winding, inward path often cited as a metaphor for the spiritual journey. The labyrinths very shape holds an allure on its own, the symbolism is the circle and the spiral, both traditional symbols through human history. Walking or tracing the labyrinth causes us to step out of linear time ~ slowing the inner world down enough so that the inner and outer worlds connect. As the mind quiets, the labyrinth can be used as a path of prayer, meditation, and discernment.

Throughout history the labyrinth has been associated with transformational rebirth, a kind of re-emergence of Self. A kind of Rite of Passage that has an inner significance rather then tribal. Whether inscribed on rock walls, built onto floors, carved onto poles, or carefully laid into tabletops ~ the labyrinth has been found spaning generations and cultures across the globe. The success of the labyrinths has been in the fact that it has been accepted for thousands of years by diverse religious groups with nothing in common, other then spiritual empowerment.

Suggestions for walking or tracing the labyrinth:

There is no 'right or wrong' way to walk or trace a labyrinth.

Quiet the mind ~ open the heart.

The movement around the design to the center can be a release - a quieting of the thoughts, worries, pain, confusion, and tasks. A kind of 'surrendering' to the moment.

Arrival at the center....a place of prayer, meditation, and relaxation.

 A point of peace.

Chartres | The Song of the Labyrinth

Chartres | The Song of the Labyrinth

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I'm obviously off to a slow start in this Blogging adventure ... I've spent the last month trying to get back into 'work' mode. You see, I have summers off because I work in a school system so when its time to get back into gear its like re-orienting myself all over again. I believe in having time to myself and when UI no longer do ... it takes getting used to.

So I spent a month focusing at the task at hand, doing various Craft related things and being more social then usual. I'm not a social person, I don't like socials - I could be a happy hermit, except I do have a few folks I'd miss :) When I refer to Craft , I'm usually refering to my pagan lifestyle, mindset and other bits of mystism that I find important or curious in my spiritual development. I am always willing to converse about Craft and spirituality ... and philosophy! Its my favorite kind of conversation - I know nothing of sports and am volitile when discussing politics & religion. I almost always have an opinion, popular or not and if I don't theres a reason why, lol

I'm home sick with a cold today but am heading back to work tomorrow, like it or not. I'm hoping that getting the cold over with now in order to get a flu shot will benefit the long run. Last year I suffered many bouts of respiratory illnesses and want to avoid the same this year. I've never had a flu shot so I'm not sure what to expect.

Anyways ... I built a labyrinth last week for a Pagan Harvest Festival. It was a really nice 3 circuit square made from birdseed. I laid it out, filled in the seed, smudged it then 'opened' it to the energy under it. Now, I guess I should point out that though my blog is more a reflection of life and the mazes we sometimes find ourselves wandering, I want my Life to be a labyrinth because they are 'good things' it won't hurt you like a maze can. Mazes have pitfalls and dead ends - labyrinths are a single path that winds smoothly inward than turns and moves back out. I love labyrinths. They fascinate me and I love making them, especially big ones outside!! As a practicing pagan I believe that building a labyrinth with hand & heart is a good thing :) I wish I had taken pictures of this one.

I'm currently trying to get on track with my fitness program again but am completely unwilling to exercise when I'm sick - the best you'll get is a walk. Hopefully this clears up before the weekend. I could restart on the weekend and still get some rest. This is the plan.

Keep smilin'

Betwixt the Sea & Sky

 It lies there, just at the edge,

gleaming, between rhyme and reason.

Come, walk up to the ledge,

step out of time and season.


A place of Second Sight,

full of potential and wonder.

A place where secrets do delight,

and the soul soars yonder.


Come, look here with me,

Open thy minds eye.

Betwixt the sea,

and betwixt the sky.


Its halls illuminate our sight,

with spires of hope to fill the space.

There lies a land of light,

the Seekers sacred place.


Betwixt sea and sky,

where magic is queen

Our hearts and minds will fly

to a place never before seen.


Looking at the ledge

I decided to start this blog because I wanted a place to put my thoughts without hesitation ... talk about the things that are important to me in my Life, without seeing the glazed look of the trapped and disinterested. I find that when you spend so much time fixing folks and serving ideals that you can't always just say what you want to ... I figured in here, I can keep track of myself and actually say what I really mean to say ... I can even discuss the stranger side of life without worrying about freaking other folks out in my nearest vicinity. I think that from here I can stetch my wings ...