Labyriths are corridors laid in patterns that are used as a method of spiritual development. Whether it is large in an open area, or small on walls or tables....the labyrinth is a pathway towards inner peace and balance. The key towards this tool of spiritual experience lies in the fact that as you walk or trace the labyrinth, you meander back and forth at a steady hypnotic pace. As you shift direction, you also shift your awareness and focus.
The labyrinth has only one path (unicursal) which quiets the mind as the winding course is followed to its center and back out again. The steady curve and flow decreases stress and negativity.
Throughout history the labyrinth has been associated with transformational rebirth, a kind of re-emergence of Self. A kind of Rite of Passage that has an inner significance rather then tribal. Whether inscribed on rock walls, built onto floors, carved onto poles, or carefully laid into tabletops ~ the labyrinth has been found spaning generations and cultures across the globe. The success of the labyrinths has been in the fact that it has been accepted for thousands of years by diverse religious groups with nothing in common, other then spiritual empowerment.
Suggestions for walking or tracing the labyrinth:
There is no 'right or wrong' way to walk or trace a labyrinth.
Quiet the mind ~ open the heart.
The movement around the design to the center can be a release - a quieting of the thoughts, worries, pain, confusion, and tasks. A kind of 'surrendering' to the moment.
Arrival at the center....a place of prayer, meditation, and relaxation.
A point of peace.